Friday, February 25, 2005

Skiing??...Ha! and other tales from the week...

So from previous posts, you might have ascertained that I planned on going skiing this past weekend. Well....I didn't. Here's the story.

We drove to Dallas Thursday night and spent the night at my parents house. We got up at the butt-crack of dawn to drive to DFW airport to make our flight. We get there and of course there is a horrible line and we were running a little late due to traffic. So Jeff and I stood there and made fun of all the old people who were scared to use the electronic check-in thing. Of course then as soon as we get up there, it doesn't work for we've just become the people that we were making fun of in line. A lady behind the counter helps us and then checks our bags for us and we continue to security check.

At this point in time, we are kind of in a rush to get to the terminal because we were in a crunch and Jeff wanted to get breakfast before we left. So, of course I get stopped and my carry-on gets searched. I ALWAYS GET SEARCHED!!! I swear I must look so middle class, suburbanite that I must be a terrorist. We cross security to hear that our flight has been delayed due to bad weather in phoenix (where our connecting flight was). Perfect! We went and ate breakfast, took our time, talked about the issues, etc. Finally, we go and hang out at the gate and wait while they start boarding. To avoid all the lines, we just waited till one of the last boarding calls to get in line.

Jeff goes to the ticket lady and she lets him through and then she looks at my ticket and she stops me and says, "Where is your paper ticket?"

I was like huh? paper ticket? I have my flight itinerary? She then continued, "You are going to have to go to the counter and talk to that guy about getting a paper ticket. You do not have an e-ticket..see no E. You just have a boarding pass."

Jeff comes back and tells her that he has the same ticket. She gives him back his stub and sends us back to the counter with minutes before the plane is supposed to depart.

We go and talk to the guy and yes we were supposed to have paper tickets with us and should not have been issued boarding passes without them. And no, we could not purchase new paper tickets or work out a deal that would prove that we belonged on the plane. And to top it off, no the tickets were non-refundable at that point and could not be used to purchase a seat on a later plane.

What had happened was we bought the tickets and forgot that the confirmation said that we would be receiving paper tickets because everyone does e-tickets now. My apartment complex signed for the fed-ex package and fed-ex did not notify me that I had received anything. So the tickets that we needed while in Dallas had been sitting in my apartment complex leasing office for over 2 weeks in Austin. We couldn't' even claim a lost ticket because everyone knew exactly where they were.

Oops indeed! And worse yet, our bags ended up on the flight. So, my bag went to California and I stayed in Texas....does this seem fair to you?!? I at least got mine back on Sunday. Jeff didn't get his back until Wednesday.

Needless to say, I was very disappointed with the lack of vacation. We ended up spending the day in Dallas and visiting with the family. I ended up calling work and asking for my vacation days back which I was able to do. Jeff on the other hand had to take his vacation days because of how the system works at Dell. So the ski trip ended up being a waste of time and money. Never use AmericaWest and now I have serious reservations about Orbitz too!! I want my money back but I don't know how to go about placing the blame in order to get it done!

So I said other news from the week would be included...but I'm fatigued and I'm sure this is a fair weighty chunk of blogging to ingest in one sitting. I'll try and post later today with more news.

Thursday, February 17, 2005


Ok. So I figured I might finally update. Nothing much has been going on.

Saw the Real World people at a new bar called BarCelona downtown. I wasn't too impressed. The bar is cool though.

Enjoyed Valentine's Day with Jeffrey. He gave me a photo album with pictures of us and comments beside each picture. It was super sweet and almost made me cry. I made him a nice dinner with chocolate fondue as dessert and champagne. It was a nice Valentines...definitely not commercial.

Still waiting to find out about whether I get into UT and Pratt. I'm nervous but at least it is out of my hands now. I going to try and meet up with Kate in early April to visit Pratt's Brooklyn campus where my program would be.

Going to California tomorrow with Jeff. We are meeting his dad and grandparents and also going skiing. I'm a bit nervous about skiing. I haven't been since I was basically I've never done it. I just researched Big Bear where we are going to be and there is absolutely nothing to do besides ski. This wouldn't be a problem except that last night Jeff informed me that we will not be skiing on Saturday, only Sunday and Monday. He talked to his dad who informed him that it will be too crowded on the slopes. So, I'm kind of freaking out as to what we will be doing on Saturday seeing as there is really nothing to do. I'm not used to doing nothing while on vacation unless I'm at the beach. Eeeks...I'm nervous.... Of course if I don't like skiing then I'll be doing nothing all weekend ... I need to talk to Jeff. I'm used to going on vacations that are either all planned for me or in an area that has a bijillion things to do. I'm freaking out a bit right now if you can't tell.

Ok, well I'll let all know what happens when I come back on Tuesday...lets just hope I don't come back with a broken leg!!

Monday, February 07, 2005


Things I learned while in Dallas celebrating my sister's birthday....

1. Wrestling is a scary looking sport. Especially when its your little brother out there on the mat while some other kid is trying to contort his body and force him to say "uncle".

2. No one needs to see fat kids in a lycra/spandex combo outfit. *shudder*

3. Ft. Worth is f**king far away from Lancaster...especially at 6:30am on a Saturday.

4. My family can be a bit embarrassing when en mass and under the influence of wine and other spirits. (I knew this already but I always seem to forget)

5. My parents are oblivious to what goes on in their house at night.

6. Gotsta love beers from all over the world.

7. Green Tea ice cream cake is absolutely delish!!!

8. If I still lived at home, I would weigh 59086929385048 million pounds

I learned a lot of other things but I figure that is enough for right now. Off to start my week of torture.... I mean week of work.