Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Location: The freezing cold planes of The Castilian Leasing Office

Temperature: FREEZING

Mood: Did you not read clearly before? FUCKIN' FREEZIN'!!!!!!!

I'm tired of working. I want to be supported by my parents again so that I can lounge around and still have money to shop and go out to eat. I think my mood is based upon the sub-zero temperatures that I have been forced to endure the past week. Right now I'm wearing a thick turtleneck sweater and shirt underneath, pants, wool socks, and boots and I'm still a popsicle. How can they expect us to work in this environment?!? I'm dreaming of the tropics right now and the beach.....ohhh summer cannot come soon enough...neither can a nice long vacation.

So, what's up in my life you ask? I'll tell you.

Last Thursday, Jeff, his roommate, and me go to see the YinYang twins at Paradox. (If you are like me and dont' know who they are...think of the song "Shake it like a salt shaker...") Anyway, we get there at 8:30 b/c the group is supposedly supposed to go on soon after that and the price bumps up to $20 after a certain time. Well after waiting in line for 30minutes...we get to the door and end up havign to pay $20 anyway...suckage. That is when we find out that they don't go on till 12:30 in the morning. Let me give you a little time line from this point on so that you can get an idea of the evening.

8:55pm: Get into the doors - immediately order 3 drinks apiece since it is $1 wells till 9 pm.

9:15pm: We have all finished our 3 drinks and are on the hunt for more alcohol to make the wait more bearable. Order two more drinks apiece for $2 each. Down those quickly and have now gained liquid courage to join the sluty 18 yr olds out on the dance floor.

10:00pm: Have tired of the dance floor - we are in desparate need of the sobering effects of water. Down several bottles.

10:30pm: Find a table and sit down at it...5minutes later Jeff's roommate's head is down on the table as she seems to have had more drinks while our back was turned.

10:45pm: Leave the club without having seen the Yinyang twins b/c we are all too drunk to wait another hour to see the group.

11:30pm: In bed and the group still hasn't gone on stage yet.

Friday: I decided that I wanted a quiet night in. I know this doesn't sound like me but for some reason in my drunken stooper I asked Jeff if we could play Friday lowkey....ooops...kinda regretted it by Friday evening but it was still nice.

Saturday: Went out downtown. Met up with Erin at Barcelona. My guys were already drunk so the evening ended around 1am. Jeff passed out in the seat next to me. At the traffic light a taxi full of guys pulled up next to me. One rolled down the window and started saying stuff to me. I tried to ignor him for a while thinking doesn't he see the guy sitting next to me? When I eventually rolled down my window, he merely shouted..."I like your antenna!"...Ok.

Sunday: Work

Monday: Work and then met Jeff at Tony's apt. The guys were playing Kings with Hooters playing cards. Joined in with them with my newly acquired mojito (yum yum)! Mel, passed out and got a penis drawn on his cheek. Drove Jeff home. Slept and work the next day.

This weekend, the girls are coming into town. I'm extremely excited as it should be full of fun and out Austin!

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