Monday, March 01, 2004

A little dirty dancing never hurt anyone!

Yesterday I saw Dirty Dancing Havana Nights. The acting was horrible but the dancing was awesome. I want to go to Cuba now and learn the Havana beat! There needed to be less talking and more dancing! I really really really want to go to Miguel's now and salsa till I drop! I wish I could go some place exotic and really experience the culture...not the tourist culture! I wish I was exotic....unfortunately I'm all-american. I spent the rest of my evening switching between knitting and watching tv. Knitting Rocks!

Today I had a whole list of things to accomplish but I only got half done instead. I went to my apartment management company to see about getting out of my lease. I ended up getting really angry and upset with this idiot woman. I told her all the instances of theft and lack of security and she kept on telling me that there was no point in moving because it could happen anywhere. While that I understand, what I was trying to explain to her was that I wanted to reduce my risks....while the location that I'm at right now is a high risk area for having things stolen. She still didn't get my point. Finally, we ended the "discussion" with her telling me that I could get out of my contract with a 85% reletting fee and if they don't find anyone to take it then they can charge me rent till my lease ends. My other option is to put my problems in writing and give it to the manager to consider. I think I'll take option 2 please!! It just totally sucks! I knew it wouldn't be easy but I don't really want to deal with this right now and my parents aren't going to help me one to love non-confrontational parents!

Afterwards I need solice at the grocery store. I bought way more food than I'll ever consume. Later I had an appointment with the devil....ooops I mean my personal trainer. I think it is his mission to kill me or at least come very close to it. It was absolutely disgusting...I was sweating buckets that I left a huge puddle behind on the machine. He was like you might want to get a towel and wipe that up!....yuck! I hate sweating. I told him I was going to get him back for all the torture he's been putting me through. I don't know yet what I will do but I'm willing to take suggestions. Other than that I've been cleaning like a mad woman all evening long. My apartment is virtually spotless. I'm so tired I don't want to go to work tomorrow :(

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