Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Maybe the trainer knows what he's doing

So yesterday totally rocked. I felt awesome and totally sexy last night...something I haven't felt in a long time! Maybe it was the cool/sexy shoes I had on or maybe because I felt like the personal trainer is finally doing his job. Went and had PF Changs last night for Erin's b-day. Awkward random group of people. I felt uncomfortable the entire time making me not enjoy my mongolian where are all the people who like spicy food holed up in this world? I totally backed out of going to a club with her and her friends but I just didn't think I could take it...the stress of such different groups of people makes me so nervous.

I (giggle giggle) got looks at C&A's last night and was propositioned by a guy....first time I was ever asked "if I would do a black guy"! Funny stuff. I kept flirting with this guy with a floral shirt...very cute in an all-american type of way till he smiled and had gaps in his teeth. I still thought he was cute until I heard himand his friends yaking it up in jerk-like fashion...very unattractive. So many gorgeous guys to stare at C&A's that sometimes I think I'm in testosterone heaven! Kate and I were abandoned half way through the night by our friends for Downtown. I can't help it if I have to work in the morning...which I woke up late and showed up 20min late to once again. I'm super excited about my training session again today although it scares me too b/c I don't like looking like a weak stupid idiot which I tend to do when I go to these things. Oh well. Anyway the insomnia is returning and its not fun cause I'm really tired.

I thought today would be an great day but so far it hasn't started out that way. I woke up late and ended up at work really late. I checked my email only to find out that 1. I have no money what-so-ever in my account and 2. I think my email has a trojan horse virus! or at least that is what the UT email people have emailed me saying. Fun stuff. Solutions that I've created so far for my dire situation...1. scam my parents into giving me $300 telling them that I found a plane ticket for Florida that I need ASAP (they're paying for me to see Renee for her graduation) (my sister better not blab to my 'rents either!) and 2. don't use my computer at home until I get a new one which once again my parents promised me for my graduation. Hmmm how come all my solutions still hang around financial dependence upon my parents? This is not good. I think I need to revise my plan of action.

Anyway I'm sitting here at work dreading/wanting to go today to my training/torture session, thinking a whole lot about eating sushi on Thursday, and living in total despair b/c I have to work all day Saturday starting at 8am and then babysit till 11pm...then there is the random thought about how much I hate my apartment and want to move but can't without the risk of financial ruin...even more than what I have now! Today is the day of negative wonder I can't sleep.

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