Wednesday, July 19, 2006

May I Introduce Mrs. Eberhard?

Well since I haven't posted in over 3 months, I felt that it was time to let everyone know what was up in my world.

I have now enjoyed 2 1/2 weeks of wedded bliss. Jeff and I were married on July 1, 2006 at 8pm. It was a beautiful ceremony and unseasonably cool evening in July! Truely my perfect wedding. Everyone else has said it was lovely too but of course they are not going to tell me otherwise. So, I'm choosing to be niave and think everyone had a perfect time!

We went to Cozumel for our Honeymoon. Here are some pics from the trip:

We had a great time and just relaxed by the pool the majority of the time. Not much exploring to do on the island itself and we were too lazy to take the ferry other places.

Here we are at a restaurant/bar on the other side of Cozumel's called Mezcalito's. Very yummy!

Here are our fellow Honeymooners from Tyler, Texas. They particpated in a silly couples contest at the resort. We would have joined in but missed the beginning due to too much wine.

Jeff and I in the pool on a rainy afternoon. Only the drunk people and the kids stayed in the pool. Jeff discovered that I never say no to champagne so I had many glasses of champagne that afternoon!

Everyday housekeeping would leave a towel animal/art on the bed along with chocolates. I really didn't care about them cleaning the room, I just wanted towel animals and chocolate!!! We can't decide if this one is a bunny or a dog.

These are a random sampling of pictures. None of which are in time order or anything like that. We stayed at the Cozumel Palace, an all-inclusive resort. It was wonderful and Jeff and I have decided that all-inclusive is the way to travel to places like this. So, if we take a ski or beach vacation again, it will be at an all-inclusive.

Since getting back to reality, we've opened up the majority of the wedding presents which are wonderful (registries are a blessed thing!). We are in the process of writing a bijillion thank you notes. And, I'm in the process of looking for a job while I'm not in school. However, the job arena seems to be not very open at the moment. Heh! Well, there is still time and I'll work part time during the school year too! Hopefully this'll keep us from being so very poor :(

This is all for now but I will post more in the future. I'll even post some wedding pictures!

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