Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The Ice Cream Man

There was an ice cream truck parked out in front of the Castilian this morning at 8:30 giving free samples. It left by 9:30am. I'm all for free ice cream but not at 9am. I need coffee more than ice cold milk products.

This past weekend was crazy. We went downtown and braved the SXSW crowds Thur, Fri, & Sat. nights. Thursday night, Jeff, me and F started out at a St. Patrick's day party with some of Jeff's ex-coworkers. We played beer pong....Jeff and I lost....F won. I was a very drunk girl heading out downtown. We also met a guy who got set on fire b/c he wanted to see if lighter fluid would evaporate....not the brightest crayon out of the box. Went downtown and drank home really late and poor Jeff had to be at work early in the morning.

F and I chilled Friday. We went and had lunch with Jeff and then went and shopped at some shee-shee stores at Davenport village. It was fun times. Linds came into town and so did Kat and we all went to Manuel's for some extremely yummy Mexican food. Their ceviche, although they do not use shrimp, is really really good. Rolled my self home to get ready to go out to 4th st. We went out and met up with big Tim at Cuba Libre. I got hit on by a group of old guys who were into "International Commodities". Sure. The other one used the excuse that he was a hair dresser to mess with my hair....I wasn't amused...lets try creeped out. Otherwise, it was a fun night.

Saturday entailed lunch at Hula Hut and then off to have pedi's by highland. Jeff even got a pedi..but he didn't get his nails was a pitty. It did help his poor hurt toe which he claimed was the reason he got the pedicure in the first place. Dinner was a combo of leftovers from all the other nights out to dinner and PF Changs. Out again but this time we headed to 6th st. sans Linds who stayed behind with Tim. We ended the night in the hot tub with a couple of F's friends from college. I konked out soon after while they hung out some more.

Sunday went to work, came home and made dinner. Dinner was yummy and very healthy. I thought we might have needed something on the healthy side after all the take out and greasy mexican. Then I made a kickass chocolate soufflee for dessert. Jeff had already gone to bed so F and I enjoyed is lighter than air yumminess.

Overall a very successful weekend followed by an extremely busy week so far. Can't complain too much....although I always find a way to!!!

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