Monday, February 27, 2006


Thats me singing the national anthem of Italy. No you sillies not because of the Olympics, psh! Its because I'm going to be going for Spring Break!! Whoop!Whoop!!

Mr. Jeffrey and his family were going and so since I'm family now (yeah, you heard me Jeff...I'm family!)I get to go too! Jeff's and my job while we are there are saving his mom from boredom I think. Basically we get to entertain her, which equals traveling so I'm not complaining! They are so awesome for bringing me along!

Since I was supposed to be writing papers during spring break and now obviously I won't, I asked one of my profs if I could change my paper topic to something regarding my travel and he thought it was a great idea! So now I have to think of some kind of topic about rural italy....hmmmm...

Anyway, hopefully when I'm there I will get to see Flaminia who is in Rome. Not sure yet but I think it will be a possiblity to go and visit her for a day. We're staying in a small town called Fiorano which is near Modena which is where they make Balsamic Vinegar. Fun, tres exciting!!!

On Wednesday it will be exactly four months till my wedding. Yikes, I need a cake person, florist, dj, photographer, etc. I'm screwed.

But...I'm going to Italy!!!

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