Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Faye's Wedding & a 4th to Sleep on

So this past weekend I headed down to that bustling coastal town known as Port Lavaca. No offense to all you Port Lavaca fans and lovers out there but your town is awful. I guess in my years of living in large cities has tainted my taste for small towns but I just don't know if I could ever enjoy a place where the biggest news was that the SuperWalmart just opened up. Despite my enthusiasm for the place, I can see its appeal. I thought it was kinda neat that everyone knows everyone. People are more relaxed and laid back and not so anxious and crazy as they are in a big city. I just think you could make a small town a little more attractive and still have the friendly atmosphere.

Anyway! On to Faye's Wedding.... Jeff and I got to PL around 3:30 for the 4pm rehearsal at the church. Jeff discovered that we forgot to pack his shoes and all he had with him were flip flops so while I was learning how to correctly walk down the aisle and bow at the alter, he went on a search for dress shoes (this is where that new super Walmart comes in handy!!). We finished up with minimal complications (we were short a bridesmaid and a couple of groomsmen)and headed over to the rehearsal dinner. Dinner was a nice arrangement of fried shrimp and fish with some sides...not a great way to stay on your diet but hey its your good friends wedding so you eat! We finished up there and then a bunch of the bridesmaids (Jeff and me included) headed over to the super Walmart to check things out (hey! this is small town america!). Then we went to the local bar & grill (?) to have a couple of beers before calling it a night. The place was totally not really. It closed at 10pm but we kept it open to 11pm....oohhh. I really didn't mind b/c I was tired and I had to get up early to get my hair done for the wedding.

The wedding: Faye looked beautiful and it was really touching to see her and Danny together. I know that they will be good for each other. The wedding went really smoothly and the pictures didn't take long at all. We all went over to the reception after that. Food was served and then the music started. They began the dancing with something called the "Grand March". Now, I've been to many a Texas wedding and a few of them were quite country/old school but I have never heard of the Grand March. What it ended up being was kind of a line of couples that follows each other until in the end it forms a circle around the wedding couple. I thought it was a great way to get the dancing started but I don't think I would necessarily put it in my wedding. Anyway dancing and a ton of cake eating ensued followed by the couple leaving around 10:30. Jeff and I headed out and went to an after party at one of the bridesmaids in-laws house. Drinking, socializing, etc. Jeff and I left PL early the next morning so that we could go out on the lake that afternoon.

The lake was fun except for the incredibly crazy girls that were on the boat. They were high, drunk and insane. If I had been not so tired...I probably would have tolerated them more. I was glad when we finally moored at around 7pm.

The 4th of July was pretty uneventful. I didn't even go and watch fireworks. We did go see War of the Worlds which I liked but Jeff didn't care that much for it. Then we went to a party for a couple of hours. We headed home and just kinda hung out for the rest of the night....a relaxing way to celebrate the aging of our country.

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