Monday, March 22, 2004

An embarassment remembered

Isn't it wonderful when you are in the middle of a crowded place and all of a sudden you remember something funny or embarassing that you had totally forgotten about? It happened to me today while I was at the gym. I remembered that when I was out downtown for St. Pat's day while we were at a bar, I thought I saw this guy named John that I hadn't seen forever across the room. So naturally I smiled and kinda laughed like hey imagine running into you here. However...yes there is always a however in situations like these, the more the alcohol glaze wore off the less and less this guy looked like John (meanwhile I've been staring and smiling at this dude for a couple of minutes wondering why he's smiling back but hasn't made his way over to talk to me) and the more I began to realize that no this wasn't John....yes dear friends I had been making myself look like a complete idiot for some random guy who once I really got a good look at him looked nothing like my friend. I felt so moronic. I hid in shame behind Emily's back....its funny now. Anyway, I'm at the gym today and I start laughing about it so I look like some crazy person laughing at nothing there. Whats worse is that I get the giggles and I can't stop laughing. So there I am on the eliptical machine smiling like a goof..thinking I need to stop smiling cause I look retarded which then only makes me laugh harder. Its a vicious vicious cycle. Oh well...

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