Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Weekend Recap

Friday night: Totally Chill
Saturday (day): Worked my ass off from 7am - 5pm followed by an evening of babysitting. I gave so many tours to so many people that I would forget right in the middle of what I was saying and totally zone out.

Saturday (night): Went downtown as usual. Had a blast and slumed it in a couple of 18 & up bars. Signed some guy's ass (don't you wish you could have your ass signed too by me?!?). Much more hilarity ensued. We danced our hiney's off and yada yada yada. Steve came over and chilled..I kept falling asleep while he was talking...I'm a poor drunk.

Sunday (day): I didn't anything Sunday. I did buy a bunch of geraniums and played gardener with all my potted plants. It looks so pretty now around my door with the pretty flowers. I hope no one messes with them. I will be so pissed off if they do.

Sunday (night): Our plan was to chill downtown at the Blind Pig..listen to some karaoke and drink a couple of beers...totally chill. Well there was no karaoke but a cover band who played some good songs (I love Roxanne...maybe its the harlot in me.). The only cute guys in the place were sitting right behind us in the booth. I was telling Flaminia how I thought one of them was kinda cute and kept on glacing over to them. Funny thing is that as time went by...more and more of them kept showing up and hanging out at the table. Flaminia got up to get us another drink and I caught the eye of one of the boys and started a very superficial conversation.. (ex:

Me: Hey
Guy: Hey
Me: Nice music to chill to
Guy: Yeah its pretty cool
Me: I've never been here before on a Sunday
Guy: Oh yeah? Well this is my second time to come here
Me: Cool
Guy: Yeah.

And it goes on for another minute or two in that same way. Meanwhile Flaminia meets other cute guys in the group and strikes up a convo with them. She lures them over to our table with her feminine arts and now our table is no longer a guyless group. We chat and drink with the guys a bit and find out that majority of them are from Canada. I talked for a bit with a frenchie from Montreal (gorgeous accent!). We also found out that we've just met a huge bulk of the players for the IceBats. (Yea! US!) This includes the very limber and jaw dropping goalie. It was fun. One cutie kept on telling me how cute I was...very flattering. We gave our numbers out (just in case). At 2am they invited us over to their place but we decided it was good time to end the great evening. Flaminia decides it would be funny to go and bother BW and so we head over there. He and his roommie sleep through our raid...we grab condoms and candy and jet. As I'm heading over to drop Flaminia off...hockey boys call me and we decide that ehh what the hell? We head way down south drink a couple of beers with them and then jet. The guys were total gentlemen and didn't make any grossly forward moves....unless they just didn't find us attractive. Well actually the guy I initially started talking to started getting a little touchy feely at the end but that was cool with me. We head home and get into bed at 5am with plans to meet up with the guys Monday night.

Monday: Did the shopping thang. More plants! I'm going spring plant crazy! Babysat...conned the little girl into us having a girl evening and painting nails so that I could touch up mine! Guys called...bailed on going out....but ok cause I was tired. Crap happening at work (a fellow co-worker is causing trouble for all the new people...bitch). Went and saw "Love Actually"...cried and laughed and cried some more. Great movie! Got home late again....oops

Today (morning): Beautiful morning filled with sunshine and birdies! Work situation ok now. Hockey boy called at 4am but I missed it cause I was dead to the world. (he better not have been calling for a booty call!) They said that they might come to C&A's for beers but I'm not holding my breath. Not like they'll be here for much longer anyway. They go back to Canada next week when the season is over. Anyway, my day is good so far....the label maker came in (see earlier blog).

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