Sunday, May 09, 2004

Finally an Update...

God! Its been insane at work! I worked six days last week but I definitely made up for all that work in my partying on Friday and Saturday night.

Friday: The party started at 4pm with Mexican Martini's at Trudy's. Me and some co-workers were saying our final goodbye to Ashley the girl who is leaving for a better job (lucky duck!). Then I was whisked away to Saba for amazing Mojitos (the frozen mojito that I had at Cuba Libre last weekend in Dallas was far better though) and especially yummy quesadillas. Home again to recuperate and ready ourselves for a night out on the town. F wore her scandalous corset top out and it was definitely a hit with the guys. Kate and I were a little more subdued however. Night ended at Lucky with John Apostol and Phillip of Scotland and 3 very trashed ladies (well 2 very trashed ladies - F threw up at the end of the night and Kate reminded me that I was in the middle of the floor dancing by myself....oops). Went home and passed out only to wake up every freakin' hour until I decided to get up at 10 with a not happy stomach and a headache to match

Lazy Saturday...had Dim Sum for lunch with Kate, F, and Phillip(not of Scotland) followed by an afternoon of movies. PS: do not allow movie dudes to convince you that a french film about the Marquis de Sade as an animal with a talking penis puppet is a good movie to watch. Bought some more chairs for the outside of my apt to replace those stolen. Cooked damn good turkey burgers and watched Y tu maman tambien with F. Got ready again to go out.

Headed to 6th ready for action..parked in secret scary rapist alley way (dangerous but hey its free!). Not so heavy on the drinking this night however. Downed a long island at Library, tried to find Rugby dudes at Daqueri Factory (which is located right across the street from Library but in our eagerness to find our manly men we trekked all the way down to I-35 looking for the dumb place) and then left and went to 4th when we didn't see our Rugby guys. Kate had never been to the Apple Bar so we stopped in and had some damn good martinis then continued on our Journey which eventually led us to Fado. Once in Fado, we immediately run into a group of 16 irishmen from NY. They buy us a couple rounds of drinks and all three girls fawn over a red-head irish dude who while his name is Joe we called Jamie (those of you who've read Outlander will understand). We all head out to my place to afterhours party with our Irishmen (why are american women suckers for an accent?). Some New Zelander Rugby players talk to us for a couple of minutes and while they are much hotter than our Irish dudes we already committed into hanging out with them (Sigh...I love a rugged Kiwi or Aussie). F promised me that we would run into the Kiwis again and that pacified me for the time being. Guys come over (sucks because only one of the irish guys we had been talking to showed up - red, the other two were these other guys that I wouldn't write home about.) Sit around talking - embarassing sex stories come up, I start to yawn and we kick them out only to have one dude who barely spoke the whole night knock on the door again and ask F to hook up later (laugh!). Another one called five min later and asked the same thing (she's one sexy mama!). Hungry, 4am run to Taco C, fall into bed and here I am at work avoiding stuff I should be doing.

Overall, good weekend...sad that I won't be in town for a repeat next weekend and that these awesome party ladies will be leaving me soon for bigger better things. A-town isn't looking so bright anymore....but good times are still to come and I have an awesome bonus in my bank account...things could be worse in the world!

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