Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Ahh..Wonderful Delicious Fat

I woke up at 7:30am...I have to be at work at 8am. Can you see the pattern for my day? Work sucked and then I missed going to Trudy's to meet some friends cause I had to babysit. My weekend doesn't look so promising either. I have to work on Friday and Saturday and then I got asked to babysit again Saturday night. I don't know what to tell them. Fayzie is supposed to be in town and I want to hang out with her considering I haven't seen her since before Christmas but if she's going to be out with her bf all night then there really isn't anyone stopping me from earning a little extra money...something I wouldn't mind after spending tons of money on a gym membership and trainer package. Which reminds me tomorrow I have the pleasure of having my fat measured. Oh could my week be any better??

Well I guess I did have one good thing mom traded in my rapid rewards airline ticket for $300. This means I don't have to pay to go visit Renee in Florida for her graduation. I'm really excited! Hopefully by that time the personal trainer will have worked his magic! I'm tired! I think I'm gonna go to bed early.

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