Friday, February 27, 2004

Secret Agent Women!!

A crazy last couple of days!

Excerpt taken from Fuoco's site

Last night, France, Red & I went out for Teacher's birthday. After buttery nipples at the house and loads of shots downtown, we were pretty tipsy by the time we left ......

We were a bit hungry, so we decided to head to Taco Cabana to get some grub, at which point I thought of Mr. X, all asleep in his bed-- prior that night I had called him and after he told me he was going to work at 6 am, my tipsy self told him I wouldn't call him anymore that night so he could get some sleep. While at TC, however, I realized that I had not promised not to go BY his house. So I bought his favorite TC food, and proceeded to find his house, with a few difficulties.

The three of us stealthily (or so we THOUGHT) crept into his house (it was unlocked), and after "aaawwwing" over cute Mr. X was in his sleep, we left the TC bag riiiight in front of his bedroom door. We stealthily crept out. As we were getting into our car, one of Mr. X's neighbors came & invited us to a kegger in his back yard. He had Dos XX, so we were enticed to go, but after taking one look into his scary, dark, empty backyard, we fled the scene (after spending 15 minutes looking for Red's lost credit card, which France found).

We took Red home- she had a quiz in the morning, and in the middle of the road on the way we spied a orange cone. We decided Mr. X NEEDED that cone for his house. He HAD to have it. After dropping off Red, LV & I made some illegal U-turns and eventually had the cone in our possession. We once again crept quietly and very James Bond-like back in Mr. X's house and placed the cone in the middle of his bathroom, right in front of the broken bathroom sink. We crept back out, quiet as mice, and went home.
(The End!)

This morning was torture for me. I had a dr.'s appointment at 9am off Ben White ...I didn't wake up until 8:15am. As I was running out the door with a headache the size of a small mountain, I realized that I didn't remember where the dr.'s office was located. I wrote down the number and while driving in the general direction tried to find it from a very vague memory. Of coure no one was answering the damn phone (What if it had been an emergency?!?). I wondered around 290 for awhile before stubbling upon a familiar area. Through sheer brilliance I managed to find the stupid place and show up to my appointment 15min late and very much hungover.

Needless to say I didn't make it to the gym today! I did go to the outlet stores with Renee for her b-day. I got an awesome coat from BR and some heavenly perfume. I had a good time and my hangover wore off especially after a cup of coffee. Tonight was totally chill...which I totally appreciate. I'm so tired and should actually be in bed by now. I'm sure there were other exciting things that happened but I'm sleepy and can't remember...

OH! I almost forgot! I learned to knit today! Its a little touch and go right now but soon I'll be able to knit that cable sweater that I covet from J.Crew!

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