Monday, February 23, 2004

I Pay for Pain

So I went to my first personal trainer session. Number one mistake was doing 45 minutes of cardio workout before even seeing him. I was already tired and then he made me do all these things that caused me to sweat. It was the hardest thing ever! I actually grunted like those guys who strain when they lift weights....I was so embarassed!!! How can you look attractive after sweating like a pig and then grunting!!! I actually paid this man to torture me.....isn't this some kind of masochism? I think subconsciously I want to committ suicide! When we finished...he actually had the audacity to suggest I go and do some more cardio workout. Are you seriously fucking with me? Hell no!..all I wanted to do was pass out or throw up...I couldn't decide between the two! Needless to say I left that joint.

Went to Target later on my way home. While I was there ready to check out I went and stood behind this 4 ft away. I took one step closer to the conveyor belt cause I thought my jellified arms (thanks to the murderous trainer) were about to give way....The guy looks at me and goes "I think it would be better if you stepped back!" I was like "OMG"! There is no way in hell this guy is telling me that I'm too close to him! I'm a fucking yard away! Anyway he was obviously crazy...he was wearing spongebob squarepants pants. Thank god the clerk at another counter totally waived me in and I got out of the damn place faster than him....bastard! God, I hope it wasn't cause I stank due to the torture chamber..oops I mean gym. I've decided I hate people except for my friends...all others at this point can jump off a cliff. I'm tired and cranky.

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