Sunday, February 22, 2004

...And They Called Themselves "Zappa Tampon Krappa"

Wow...crazy weekend! Its all a blur....Friday we started at my house drinking a little wine and considering our options. We decided to brave the crowds and go to 4th street. Took a cab and met up at Fado....we were already a little tipsy and enjoying ourselves thoroughly. Flaminia met the dj's helper...a cute skinny boy named Matt with nipple rings...which he displayed proudly. I was leaning over the banister checking the crowd out and this guy thought I was making eyes at him - I wasn't but I started talking to him anyway. He was so trashed and kept on making comments about how sexy Texas women were compared to women in Virginia. He then proceeded to give me his beads and buy me a drink...very nice right? Well then I decided his drunk ass annoyed me so I started talking to Steve and Jeff and so he left. I then proceeded to give my drink(not even what I asked for!) to Kate and continue drinking my beer. The beads I lost later on to Matt the dj's assistant....I got to tug on the nipple rings..... Fado was hoppin with firefighters and hot preppy boys but we decided we needed some better music and opted for a new place with a different and better dj. Off to CT once again....along the way a bitch of a cop stopped Flaminia and told her to stop acting like God....he was a moron hopped up on power....Rest of the night was devoted to drinking and dancing and I have no idea what else cause I got pretty sloshed...came home early cause I had to work in the morning...yuck!

I was so surprised Saturday how I wasn't hung over...I guess drinking lots of water really does work...Anyway worked sucked especially after these creepy guys walked in and wanted to see rooms and stay at the C. for a month. One guy looked retarded and kept on say how hot I was....I was freaked because I was the only one in the office and none of the managers were in and the other leasing agent was on a tour. They just oozed sleaze! I feel like I need a shower now just thinking about it....ugh! They just kept getting weirder. The kinda cute one was as dumb as an ox...god! he was soooo dumb! Then while I was trying to do my work and they were sitting there waiting for their boss who also was creepy. They commented on how white my teeth are and how green my eyes are. They're normal compliments which normally I enjoy hearing but those guys just made it sound creepy and sleazy. I wanted to hide! Thank god! I don't have to be in the office today when they come back!

At work when I meet some of our residents and when I give tours...I find myself having these little crushes on the eighteen year old boys. They are so cute and seemingly sweet and innocent. I have to remind myself that less than year ago it would have been illegal to touch them....I must refrain from playing with boys my little sister's age! There was one that came in the other day with the cutest smile and the bluest eyes...I was smitten...he just needs to marry my sister so that I can look at him and cutie pieness! I'm through with younger guys...I need an older guy who knows how to treat a woman!!

I finally got to see Faye on Saturday evening. I went over to Trudy's with her and all her PL people. I met Danny...he's a very nice guy. I'm happy for her! Interesting conversations though...ended up talking about personal know the kind!! Left, got ready for DT and Flaminia and Kate came over...we chilled, got ready and took a cab to Fado once again...trying to stay out of the Mardi Gras crowd. We get there meet up with Lisa and Valerie and the bar sucks! The guys were all old and moldy just wasn't entertaining. We go to Lucky Lounge afterwards...once again kind of a older guy crowd. I did see a guy with a shirt that looks oddly similar to a tablecloth of my mom. Left and went to Red Fez which I used to absolutely love! was ehh last night. I commandeered a cool paper flower that was attached to the building while waiting in line. I loved it and got comments all night about it. We danced with these fabulous black guys celebrating their friends graduation. They rocked and we finally started having some fun. We got into the dancing spirit and decided it was time to brave 6th street...well at least make a trip to CT. No surly coppers this time but Lisa and I did learn a new word from our great and worldly friend great is that. Lisa and I annoyed the group by using the word as much as possible in every sentence and in every situation all night long.... a little later the cugina expanded into a gesticulating cugina. It was great fun. We went couldnt' get into CT for free and we all refuse to pay cover. So we went and totally slummed it on 6th. Went into the Ritz and some club called Exodus. Man..I don't think there was one attractive guy on 6th last night!

We left before 2am to get a cab and chilled at my place trying to find an after party....thats when the prank calls started. We started calling Ben Williams and leaving crazy messages and then it escalated to calling various people in F's phonebook and leaving them crazy messages. Once again we owe it to Kate and her innovative thinking for the newly founded Zappa Tampon Krappa which is headed by Regina phalange. Well I guess we have the writers of "Friends" to thank but Kate remembered it and so we are forever grateful. We provided much entertainment for ourselves. We then went over to Ben W's house making a detour to F's house. There we sifted through her fabulous jewelry and picking up a zillion condoms. The condoms were then left all over Ben W's house and front porch in signature Zappa Tampon Krappa style. Alas, the night was then over for me. We all went our respective ways and except for some 5am calls I slept till noon. Ben supposedly left a message...I checked it my sleep and erased it. I have no clue what it said. Bottom line: This weekend was amazing!

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